
Uptown Collinsville Features “The Shak”

BestCollinsvilleSalonUptown Collinsville has featured Sizzor Shak Salon & Color Spa in their website’s “Business Profile” section.

They have listed our current promotions and a brief overview of how “The Shak” operates as a family. From light bulbs to windows to rubber elasticimer coating, Uptown has also taken notice of Sizzor Shak’s effort to stay energy efficient. Uptown writes:

“From all angles, Sizzor Shak continues to be an efficient business that always keeps its eye on the future whether it be green technologies, pinpointing what today’s customers expect or finding a promotion that captures the essence of the business.”

To read the rest of this article, please click here. Also, please visit to stay updated on the exciting progress that is being made in Uptown Collinsville along with the latest events that you can get involved in.