7 Ways To Winterize Your Hair

Need to prepare your hair for winter?

Here are some tips to start now before Jack Frost takes up permanent residence for the season!

Photo by: Kyle Weber

  1. Choose a new shampoo. What you’ve been using all summer is not going to work on dry winter hair. Chose a quality product that will repair and protect your locks.
  2. Wash your hair less. Shampooing washes out the bad stuff — it also washes out the good stuff, like the protective oils that your hair needs in order to keep its strength and shine.
  3. Dry your hair carefully. Rubbing your head with a towel will damage the hair shaft by roughing up the outer layer, making your hair look dull and dry.
  4. Make sure your hair is dry before you head outside – wet hair can freeze up and break off!
  5. Deep condition – c’mon, you know you need to do it! Ask your Sizzor Shak stylist about our deep conditioning treatments.
  6. Use a leave in conditioner with your hot tools.
  7. Pay attention to your diet – what you eat nourishes your body, including your hair. Eat right, drink lots of water … it’ll make a difference!

Stop on into Sizzor Shak on Main Street in downtown Collinsville (across from Ashmann’s pharmacy) & one of our receptionists or stylists will show you exactly what products you’ll need to keep your hair healthy & moisturized this winter!